Meeting update

  • Ran rho amb = {1/60, 1/50, 1/40} rho(Rbe) simulations checking for point where the density of the ambient is just enough to force collapse. Found that 1/60 and 1/50 are too light to collapse, 1/40 collapses. I am running 1/45 now, will be done by morning.
  • New intro finished for BE paper. The methods section (apart from description of physical characteristics of clump - such as massive enough to be site of massive star formation) is done as well. These can be read in the pdf that is here- Still working on this list for paper edits:

  1. Discuss the turn-over, its implications, and analytical reasoning
  2. Change wording from isothermal general thing, to more specific case in conclusions/modify conclusions
  3. Add a discussion section
  4. Add an appendix on HYPRE and its use in astrobear
  5. Massive star forming cluster… add to methods the physical properties our clump has


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