
Will work on Fourier stuff this week.

Working on submitting abstract for poster, here is a rough outline:

Large scale colliding flows are an interesting model for molecular cloud formation. The model produces clouds that are turbulent and filamentary in nature, produce stars across the whole cloud interface, (anything else? lifetimes that match??). Previously, we have looked at hydro, looking at energy budgets, sink etc. using the astrobear AMR fluid code. Now we have extended this further, adding the effects of magnetic field and shear. In addition to performing analyses as before, we plan on extending it further by studying the filaments formed in our model. How large are they? How many stars do they form and what is their mass distribution? What is the gravitational stability of the filaments? (Take for example points brought up in the observational papers that they studies in Sco Cen). Given the large scale nature of our simulations (quote the resolution), we form dozens of filaments, and are excited to see the distribution of the filament properties over the different runs. (Cite the runs?)


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