Meeting update - 5/19/14

BE paper

  • Got all the proofs back to ApJ
  • Sent you the form for funding the paper. Not sure if this is needed before they publish?

MHD Shear Flows

  • Need to decide on field orientation for the 'perpendicular' case. The Beta=1 effects for a uniform field in y or z are too strong (see below). Talking with Jonathan on this, it seems a highly unrealistic initial field orientation to begin with — how do you have this large scale perpendicular field and a tilted interface to begin with? If there was some large scale perpendicular field, then by the time the flows collided, they would have no tilted interface. A more realistic perp. case might be a helical field inside of the colliding flows only (no ambient field)? This would simulate a perpendicular field, but without concerning the broken symmetry played by the tilted interface. For now though, am running 3D low res sims of the y and z fields with a weaker field.
  • The data set for these runs as they are now, is extremely large. I am at ~ 120 GB now, ¼ of the way through the production Shear15, Beta=1, x-field run. This is for ~ 15003 cell resolution (48 + 5 levels). I estimate each run will be ~ 1TB in size. Where to store all this data?
  • Stuff still need to finalize for production runs: 1) Potentially increasing the box size to prevent back-flow into the outflow-boundary. This most likely will be a problem in the Shear 30 and 60 cases (see my page). Can do this either by adding code to enable a restart with a bigger box once the back-flow hits the wall, or just run sim with a longer box in x to start. 2) Decide on parameters for the flow, i.e. the mach, ramp down times, etc. for production.
  • Runs possible: Beta 1/10, 3 shear angles, 2 field orientations = 12 runs..

High Res, Shear 15, Bx, Beta = 1

  • ¼ way through on BS — no nans, but did see source errors

Low Res, Different Field Strengths/Orientations

Here is my wiki page on this:

And last week's blog post talked about what I was seeing in the Beta=1 case:



Beta10, Beta1



Beta 10, Beta1



Beta 10, Beta 1


Column Densities

Beta 10, Beta 1

Attachments (19)


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