Star Formation Jamboree Notes

*Fred Adams suggested non-zero velocity initial condition for collapse problem:

  • there are semi-analytic solutions for the density distribution
  • forms something 'like' a BE sphere
  • suspects compression wave won't be set up at boundary
  • more realistic then a hydrostatic clump, because he said you wouldn't form a clump in HSE with no motions — not sure about this point
  • he would be interested in seeing these results
  • talked about filaments feeding into clusters, on scales ~2pc from cluster that is ~2pc across

*Ralph Pudritz said he's been working on:

  • making a 'super cluster' sink particle that randomly samples an IMF, produces radiation to provide feedback to parent cloud
  • radiation modeled by using a combination of ray tracing and flux limited diffusion to resolve feedback on scales from GMC down to large clumps
  • recently modeled the formation of GMC's from gravitational instabilities in galactic disk, & has online database of these clouds and their various properties
  • uses Flash

*Hennebelle collaborator (don't remember name) works with BE spheres in turbulent, magnetized environments


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