The week in review

  • Will be meeting to shoot the footage for astrobear PR movie this Friday, going to do some discussion of multiphysics apparently
  • Finished the God. code. It was not exactly as trivial as I thought it would be. I practiced utilizing some different pieces of code, namely the Exact Riemann solver I already wrote for Euler's equations, using the module function of fortran for practice. To compile these separate files, I did 'gfortan file1.f90 file2.f90 -o program_name'. This command takes care of both compiling and linking the files into the executable program_name. Care must be taken that files are compiled in order such that the first ones are called by the later ones. The code I wrote is accessible from my God. page, here: Things compiled, but I am getting a Nan somewhere early on in the program. I am now debugging the code, which is good practice for tracking down Nans in astrobear. Will like to update that page with some notes on the code, and figures of the results, once I correct the bug.


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