Meeting Update


"Density Weighted":

This plot is the one I sent around yesterday.

The issue may be that the y scaling is way off given the mass flux (and total masses) of the hockey pucks vary so much. To clarify, the masses of the various hockey pucks are (S0→S60):

S0 35091
S15 34735
S30 31640
S60 16894

So, I then defined a new variable that divides rho by the total mass of the puck for each of the runs. This is the "mass normalized rho", and then weighted the histos by these variables.

"Mass normalized rho weighted" (linear bin scale):

"Mass normalized rho weighted" (log bin scale):

Next, instead of weighting by a variable, did the histo by 'frequency':

So, in all of these cases, regardless of y-axis scaling, the max vorticity is highest in the lower shear cases… perplexing :-/

Min/Max Vorticity

S0 5e-5/1068
S15 1e-4/1005
S30 2e-4/949
S60 .017/310

Histo of vx

Instead of vorticity, how about spread in v? Or RMS v?

Here is vx histo for the diff runs:

Shock solutions

Calculating the M2FR


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