Meeting Update-08/05/13 - Erini

-Running a large polytrope run atm (Gmx =1283, gxbounds=-2-22222, t_final=.04d0 with timescale ~ 7.6 *106

-lineout at 2.5 sound crossing time


No explosion persay, but definitley some odd boundary effects. This is the longest run I have done at this resolution.

-check out u/Polytropes - for it is updated

Attachments (2)


1. Baowei Liu -- 11 years ago

Hi Erini, this is from what we discussed on the group meeting and with Jonathan:

It seems you need more frames for t⇐0.02. From your post, t=0.02 is about 2.5 crossing time. So the crossing time is about 0.008. This crossing time estimate could be too big?

Here's what Jonathan mentioned about how to estimate his crossing time: "For my run posted on ticket 303 - I get a computational sound speed of 5100 for the center of the cloud… 3800 for the edge of the cloud and 11000 for the ambient. Using 5100 for the sound speed and a cloud diameter of .7 - i get a crossing time of order 1e-4 - so my frames are spaced in time steps of 1e-5 so I get ~ 10 frames per crossing time. "