new 3-clump runs

I implemented a rotation angle, so that we could view the emission maps from another angle. I also fixed the initial ionization fraction of the clumps, so they don't start off bright in H-alpha as they did before.

The emission maps below are both rotated 90 deg about the y-axis, so we are now looking along the x-axis. And they are also tilted, or inclined, 45 deg toward the observer.

The first one is the usual set up where all 3 clumps are in the same plane. The second one has the slower moving clump offset, so from this viewing angle you see this clump on the right.

planar clumps emission

offset clump emission

Below is a slice of the planar set up showing density. This is just to get an idea of physically what is being simulated. The offset set up is the same except the slower moving clump on the left is rotated 45 deg about the stationary clump in a direction that moves it to the "background".

planar clumps density slice

For the offset set up, you can't see all clumps via a slice, so 3D is required. I have to play around with 3D rendering a bit more, but hopefully this at least gives you a visual for the set up.

offset clump density 3D

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