Meeting Update 10/20/2014 - Eddie

Wrote a program to compute convolution of emission map with Airy disk. This could be included in the code, probably in projections.f90, but I'll talk with Jonathan later about the best way to implement this if we want it.

Here is the Airy disk that I used for my convolution:

To see how this changed my emission map, here is an image of the original jet alongside the new emission map after the convolution. This process basically blurs the image a bit to more accurately represent what the telescope would see. In this case, this is what HST would see if my jet was located at Orion.

Back to Sulfur tracking results

Since implementing Sulfur tracking, I have only been able to successfully complete the hydro run for my 2.5-D pulsed jets. Below is an image showing the original emission map alongside the new one. As expected, allowing for SIII and SIV species means less SII and thus "greener" (H-alpha/[S II] is higher) emission.

Still having restart issues with the MHD runs. It looked like lowering the CFL might have helped at first, but the restarts still occur at later times. The restarts also occur at different times depending on how many cores are used. This leads me to believe that the real problem might be how the grid is distributed and how the AMR is refining.

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