Meeting Update 09/30/2013 - Eddie

!D Rad Shocks

Redid the original 18 shock models for both x = 0.01 and x = 0.99. The low ionization models did not change that much, but improved a bit. The high ionization models improved a lot, but the temperature comparison is still a little off.

Here is an example of one of the models…

2.5D Pulsed Jets

Working on getting more references together and reading more. Fiddled around with latex this morning to get a bibliography file working, so now I can easily add all my references to the paper as I gather more. I am currently going through the PPVI review paper, and some papers by Tesileanu.

Trying to get the paper figures going, but visit has been really slow on our local machines. I thought it was the AMR in my data, but I turned the top 3 levels off and it is still slow. This might just take some more time and patience. The density image and movie look pretty cool though: ehansen09292013.

Did some analytic work on the magnetic and pressure forces on the clumps inside the jet beam: ehansen09262013. Still trying to figure out if this numerical analysis can be made more analytic. The problem is that there does not seem to be any place where I can make an approximation, so the equations are pretty ugly. Furthermore, knowing the force is one thing, but how do I use that to derive something that can be calculated from my simulations?

3D Pulsed Jets

I still have a run sitting in the queue on Bluestreak. It is a fairly large job, so that is why the wait has been so long. There is not much urgency here, but hopefully it will run this week.

The scaling tests from Stampede looked good. Thanks Baowei!

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