Meeting Update 09/16/2013 - Eddie

Pulsed Jets


Runs are done and the paper is coming along nicely.

  • Baowei completed the 7-level runs on Stampede. I looked at one of them last week, and it looked fine. Next step is to analyze this data and make the figures for my paper.
  • The main text of the paper is more or less finished. I just need to put it in latex, and then I will send Adam a pdf later today. I will be working on the figures this week. It will also need some more references, and of course some edits.


Conducting test runs on Kraken; using the rest of the old allocation which will expire at the end of the month.

  • I tried a hydro run first. The resolution is 4x less than the 2.5D runs, which means in the strongest cooling regions I will only have about 2.5 cells per cooling length. The simulation was only able to advance 5/100 frames in 12,096 SUs (12 hrs on 1008 cores). This means that if filling fractions remained constant, it would take about 240,000 SUs to complete the run. However, filling fractions increase as the jet propagates, so realistically this run will take closer to 1 million SUs. We may have no choice but to back off on the resolution, at least for most of the run.
  • There won't be that much time between the 2.5D and the 3D papers. Should these remain isolated publications, or should I give them titles that go together like a "series"?

1D Rad Shocks

Met with Pat last week, and we discussed the next steps that need to be taken. * He is working on figuring out some scaling factors in the Raymond code so that he can compare cooling rates to the ones that I gave him from AstroBEAR.

  • I will be rerunning a set of 1D models and give the data to Anna for comparison.
  • We discussed the paper that will come of this. Pat sees it as more of an AstroBEAR verification paper and a discussion of the cooling processes, rather than something that gives an in depth quantitative analysis of the magnetic field and emission lines. Hence, the bulk of the writing will be done by Pat and I.


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