Meeting Update 08/12/2013 - Eddie

  • I got updates to my pulsed jet code (thank you Jonathan and Baowei), and now I will test these changes on Kraken. I'm also still working on the paper.
  • In regards to the 2.5D runs…the most recent resolution that I ran these at was 32 x 320 + 4. This gave an effective resolution of 3.92 AU/cell, and 85.33 cells/jet radius. According to a plot that I made a while ago (, the minimum cooling length for typical internal shocks in this set up should be approximately 4 AU. Therefore, if we use these numbers, to ensure 10 cells per cooling length we would need 10 times the aforementioned resolution. This would be 40 x 400 + 7.
  • Anna compared some of out 1D radiative shock models and this is a plot that she sent me.

The behavior of our results look similar which is good. One thing to note is that my code for whatever reason always gives slightly longer cooling distances. I think this makes sense if the code that Anna is using has more emission lines and therefore stronger cooling.

Also, she said that our emission line fluxes were off by an order of magnitude, so she's looking into why.

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