Al Colliding Flows: Adiabatic vs. Cooling

The adiabatic case is not very interesting, so I only posted the density movie. The flows collide and form reflection shocks which propagate all the way to the boundaries.

adiabatic density movie

I ran the cooling case for longer time. Now each frame is equal to 10 ns. There is a lot going on in this simulation. The small structures that form due to cooling look nice and are believable. However, there is a strange explosion near the end of the simulation. My intuition tells me that this is not physical, but we should discuss this further and figure out why the code produced this result.

There is some asymmetry between the top and bottom halves of the grid which is also curious. The inflow at both of the boundaries are the same. It looks like the bottom half of the grid cools more than the top half.



I also included an enlarged image of the first frame of the explosion. The image shows pressure, temperature, velocity, and density. This might have been caused by AMR effects, so I will try a run that has a static fine mesh in the collision region.

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