Meeting Update 05/09/2013 - Eddie

  • Star Formation Jamboree was fun even though there were no talks, and hardly even any mentioning, of jets :(. Nevertheless, I had a good time talking with Fred Adams, Ralph Pudritz, and many other people.
  • Made a poster yesterday for the CIRC Poster Session, so come by Goergen tomorrow anytime from 10-12 and VOTE FOR MY POSTER! It is by no means perfect, but it will suffice for now. I will probably use a different, but similar, one for PPVI, especially since I will have 3D runs before then.

  • The 3D runs are still producing infinities. I've tried different things to fix it, but nothing has worked yet. I think with Jonathan and/or Martin's help, this should be working by tomorrow if not by the end of today.
  • For the 1D runs, we are now just waiting to hear back from Pat. I'm gonna go ahead and do some analysis on the emission lines to see if I can better quantify the effect of the B-field.

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