Development Meeting 03/24/2015

Development for AstroBEAR 3.0

Below is a table of all the development tasks that we want to complete for AstroBEAR 3.0. An "X" denotes that the task is completed.

Ticket Summary Development Testing Documentation Tested by test suite Owner
#150 2.5D and 1D Self Gravity Erica
#154 2D and 2.5D Sink Particles X Jonathan
#243 Implicit Heat Conduction X* Baowei
#253 Script for Automatic Testing on Local Machines Jonathan
#264 Parallel IO X Jonathan
#305 Krumholz Merging Algorithm Shule
#321 Simple Line Transfer X X Jonathan
#356 Flux Limited Diffusion X X Jonathan
#359 ZCooling X X Eddie
#360 EOS Cooling Routines Jonathan
#362 Refinement Module X X Eddie
#363 Refinement Buffering X X Jonathan
#366 Disk Module Jonathan
#367 Emission Routines and Cylindrical Projections X X Eddie
#370 Outflow Module Eddie
#375 MUSCL in multi-dimensions w/ AMR X X Jonathan
#380 Update Problem Modules for New Test Script Eddie
#416 Restarts, regridding, static levels, maxlevels, etc. X Jonathan


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