Meeting Update 02/24/2015 - Eddie

3-D Mach Stems

All 5 runs that I wanted to do for the 3-D Mach stem study are basically done. I still need to make a few more emission maps from different angles.

One issue that I'm running into is plotting the different Mach number runs with the same scale. The peak H-alpha emission is approximately 3 orders of magnitude stronger in the M = 10 cases compared to the M = 5 cases. See image/movie below.


I think I need to plot the two models with different scales, or maybe we should consider running different models…

One idea that I had was perhaps testing something other than velocity effects. We could leave M = 10, use the two different separations (d = 3, 6), and implement an initially constant magnetic field perpendicular to the flow. This would become a 3-D study on the effects of magnetic fields on Mach stems and intersecting bow shocks.

Perhaps this is too much, since we did not do any 2-D runs with magnetic fields. We could stick to simply studying more separation distances while leaving M constant at 10.

Below are emission and column density maps with 0 deg inclination for all M = 10 models. From left to right: single, d = 6, d = 3.



Other Stuff

  • Last week we started discussing how to implement magnetic fields into the outflow module. Perhaps it would be good to have a separate meeting for this this week.
  • I/We need to write an abstract for the AstroNum talk.

Attachments (6)


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