Meeting Update 02/03/2014 - Eddie

Mach Stems

  • finished the low res (20 cells/rclump) runs for stationary bow shocks with different gammas and separation distances
    • gamma = 1.01, 1.20, 1.40, 5/3 with separations of d = 5, 10, 15, 20 for a total of 16 runs
  • currently running new set of sims with Zcooling (set gamma back to 5/3)
  • will visualize and post images/movies of all the completed runs this week
  • also this week, I will move to bluestreak and run the same simulations with 2 more levels of refinement to give me production runs at 80 cells/rclump
  • finally, I will also start testing low res, 2-D runs with a moving bow shock

3-D Pulsed Jets

  • hydro simulation on Kraken finished, and beta = 1 is chugging along
  • beta = 1 has a few restarts, but it is still producing more frames than previously
    • it is currently at frame 40, and I think getting it to frame 50 will be good enough
  • I hope to create the emission maps for these runs as soon as possible so Pat can use them for the HST proposal

Cooling Issues


  • looked at the Raymond code and found some discrepancies in the ionization and recombination rates
  • not sure if this discrepancy is large enough to account for what we've seen in our 1-D radiative shock models


  • wrote an abstract for upcoming HEDLA conference
  • need to proofread my 2.5-D pulsed jets paper again
  • moved office around so now we can make use of Adam's old futon :)


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