Meeting Update 01/20/2015 - Eddie

3D Mach stems

Haven't done that much since last Thursday. See my most recent blog post: ehansen01152015.

I'm waiting on a new run that has Tamb = Twind = 1250 K. This will make the moving clump effectively at M = 10 as opposed to 5 in my previous runs. So we'll get to see how higher Mach number affects the evolution of the clump and its emission.

2D Mach stems

I have a couple of more runs for the maximum Mach stem formation angle study. If you recall, I'm trying to find the limit at which I get the widest possible Mach stem with the reflection shocks intact. For the gamma = 1.4 case, this appears to be somewhere between clump separation distances of 4 and 5.5 rclump. The new runs have d = 4.25 and 4.5. I will post those images/movies soon.

I also completed a single clump run, so that I can redo my bow shock shape calculations.

Oblique Shocks

I built an Oblique Shock problem module with the intent of studying Mach stems. I have a pretty good set up that generates regular reflection perfectly, but the Mach reflection runs still look a bit dicey.


Other Stuff

  • Hope to finish my Qual brief this week
  • In regards to the new machines that we want…I got Dave's email about the financial system being all messed up. I think we can hold off for another month or so on the larger, more expensive visualization machine, but I really think we should get Zhuo a new workstation asap despite the financial system's woes.

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