finished 2D Mach stem runs

Finished runs for gamma = 1.4 cases. See ehansen01052015 for more details.



The d = 5.5 case is the only one that I feel confident in saying forms a Mach stem, and the d = 6.5 case clearly does not. This is consistent with my previous work on minimum Mach stem formation angles.

Despite this, it would appear that the reflected shock (the shock that is reflected at the triple point) does not have a lateral Mach number > 1. This is unexpected, and I'm not sure what it means.

I expected to see a Mach stem in the d = 4 case, but it's hard to tell is this is one or not. One thing that we might need to consider here is what happens to a Mach stem if the reflected shock hits the clump.

Below are the same plots with slightly larger domain for d = 4, 3 since the bow shocks were at the edge of the previous images.



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1. Jonathan -- 10 years ago

nice movies!