Meeting Update 09/22/2014 -- Baowei

  1. worked with users from SUNY Oswego and Laurence's student to install AstroBEAR on their machines: got issues with the compiler and libraries on their machines.
  2. configure file (ticket #255): first version with development branch worked on local machines and hopefully most of other machines.

1) The problem module can be set with option "—with-module=". Module list will be shown in README and INSTALL documents. This option is required. Error will be reported if no module given.

2) Check the hdf5, fftw3 and hypre libraries. The paths can be set with options "—with-hdf5=", "—with-fftw3=" and "—with-hypre=". These options are optional. If no library found, it will report error and provide help information about downloading and installing the library.

3) A new run_dir folder will be created. If the folder exit, a backup "run_dir_Currenttime/" will be made to avoid erasing last runs. After compile, all necessary data files and the executable file "astrobear" will be copied to the run_dir/ folder. And an out/ subfolder will also be created.. Will add the pbs and slurm sample scripts to make the run_dir/ really ready to go on all machines.

4) pthreads is there but hasn't been tested.

5) Haven't included the IBM xl compilers, OpenMP, etc… but planning to do..

  1. OpenMP optimization (ticket #361): on it…
  2. Trying installing Paraview on Bluehive: current got errors with qt4 library and VTK.


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