Meeting Update 05/20/2013 -- Baowei

  • Users
    1. Met with LLE: Most of time were spent discussion the results of ablative RT results. Arijit shows the results with perturbation from Betti's code. Rui shows the results of ablation balance from his 3D code. Shule will summarize what he's been doing.
    2. Very positive Feedback from Josh of Clemson.
    3. Wrote to a user in China asking for feedback, no reply yet
    4. The Clemson and LLE users asked computational scientist/system administrator to install AstroBEAR on their machines. Review my instruction for users to install

To install and run it, you will need a Linux system, MPI, and libraries like fftw3, hdf5 and maybe hypre. You may find more details on our wiki page:

Edit Sounds too complicated for common Linux guy? Considering it usually takes me about 2 hours to install all the libraries required & the code to a new system, and sometimes I need to ask system admin's help for job submission, there might be a big barrier for new users to pass before they know how good our code is. Simpler&easier-installation version? Make configure file high priority?

  1. Got Zhuo accounts and key to the office. Walked him through the whole process of getting, compiling and running the code on local machines
  • Tickets
    1. New: #286(Memory Allocation Error on BlueStreak), #287(Virtual Memory Error on Kraken)
    2. Closed: none


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