Meeting Update 03/23/2015

  1. Outflowwind: density blowout in 2D For a 2D run I did last week, the density blows out after running some time..


nDim     = 2                            ! number of dimensions for this problem (1-3)
GmX      = 100,400,0                    ! Base grid resolution [x,y,z]
MaxLevel = 1 !5                         ! Maximum level for this simulation (0 is fixed grid)
LastStaticLevel = -1                    ! Use static AMR for levels through LastStaticLevel [-1]
GxBounds = 0d0,-200d0,0d0,100d0,200d0,0.d0      ! Problem boundaries in computational units,format:

  1. Working with SUNY user and on anisotropic conductivity solver.


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