OutflowWind: Tests with Wind

Updated the problem module with a flag lWind to turn on/off stellar wind. The stellar wind is applied after t_wind>0 to allow the planet with asymmetric temperature profile to relax to a stable state before the wind kicks in. Also the wind is applied along -y direction for 2.5D and -x direction for…

  • Stellar Wind Speed In Stone&Proga and . Correspondingly in AstroBEAR, , . For case, , so the calculated stellar wind speed . The speed is way too high for the code with the current parameters…
  • 2.5D restuls
http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~bliu/OutflowWind/2DwithWind/zommedRhoV0136.png;http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~bliu/OutflowWind/2DwithWind/zommedTV0136.png density; temperature;zoomed density;zoomed temperature
http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~bliu/OutflowWind/2DwithWind/zoomedRhoV0200_windSpeed16.3kmps.png;http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~bliu/OutflowWind/2DwithWind/zoomedTV0200_windSpeed16.3kmps.png density; temperature
Stone & Proga http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~bliu/OutflowWind/2DwithWind/Fig6.png
  • Interface growth rate for Ablative RT Regenerated 50 frames txt files for Rui as 200 & 100 frames takes too long to read in…
  • New user Helped Karan set up on local machine and worked him through using the code.


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