OutflowWind: 2D Tests

Deprecated the point_mass and planet_radius parameters. point_mass is the planet_mass which is the mass of the planet. rho as the air density and radius as the position of the outflow boundary. Try to produce the figure 2 in the Stone&Proga paper…

For this set up, the night side(theta=PI) is off and doesn't show the inflow. And the density at the night side is higher… Not sure if it's a parameter issue…

0.6 Jupiter Mass

Fig 2 Reproduced http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~bliu/OutflowWind/2DTests/repfigure2.png symmetric density; symmetric temperature; asymmetric density; asymmetric temperature
Fig 2 in Stone&Proga09 http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~bliu/OutflowWind/2DTests/Fig2_StoneProga09.png

Corresponding Fig 1, the Temperature is in unit of . Temperature value matches with Stone&Proga09 paper.

Fig 1 reproduced http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~bliu/OutflowWind/2DTests/Lambda5/density_0.6JptMass_lambda5_asymmetric_10d.png;http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~bliu/OutflowWind/2DTests/Lambda5/temp_0.6JptMass_lambda5_asymmetric_10d_redo.png
Fig 1 Stone&Proga09 http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~bliu/OutflowWind/2DTests/Fig1_StoneProga09.png


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