Updates 11/26


I'm running the updated problem module from Jonathan. Many thanks.

Initial wind phase, 7-level AMR. Plots of density (g/cc), temperature (K) and Mach number. frames

http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~yzou5/PNe_graphics/Nov26_screenshots_updated_module/frame0.PNG http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~yzou5/PNe_graphics/Nov26_screenshots_updated_module/frame70.PNG

From last meeting with Adam, Luke and Zhuo, we came up some options to explore:

  • gamma = 1 (still use the ideal gas EoS?)
  • widen box — make it a cube, run on lower resolution
  • apply DM cooling where the shocked gas temperature is greater than 10000 K
  • wide/narrow angle jets
  • precessing jet — need Nozzle module

Things to look into:

  • opacity in the CE ejecta vs. the out-flowing wind.
  • as temperature goes up and density goes done, what happens to opacity?
  • metal cooling and other cooling curves in the code


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