Updates 10/01


Rerunning high-momentum wind with interpolations = 1 (Run-02)

Quiescent phase (6000 days from start) is done, continue to see if fast wind phase produces the same rarefactions between cell boundary. Zhuo also suggested removing point mass at center.

Here is a comparison between snapshots from the conference proceeding and those reproduced using Run-01 data.

  • a snapshot from high-momentum Run-02 with interpolations = 1. Notice the rarefaction on the edge of a square "box" with side = 8 (unit = 1000 R_sun). It's also seen in the previous simulation by Zhuo (see low-momentum case in the pdf)https://astrobear.pas.rochester.edu/trac/attachment/blog/amyzou10012018/high-run002.PNG



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