Update 06/01 - CEPN


Revised paper is ready to submit again. The last version

Jet project - plan for this week


  1. Rerun the super jet model, fix tracer, add tracer for ambient
  2. Rerun the no-jet fiducial, M2 = 1 Msun, use my jet modual, this is like CE run 152 (or 143, but don't change softening radius), use the initial orbit conditions for the jet runs, add tracer for ambient
  3. Half-solar mass companian, fiducial, no jet run
  4. (Maybe) Restart, add jet from middle of the fiducials


  • Orbits, average separation plot. see the eccentricity formula form Luke's blog post
  • Mass, bind vs. unbind, find a best way to present this.
    • maybe something like Fig. 8 in the AGB paper, where more mass gets elevated but still not unbind
  • Energy, use data from the totals, do post-process if necessary
    • maybe analyze drag force as well, but orbit plot also shows the effect of drag force
  • Present figures similar to the AGB paper
    • Fig. 6, 7, 8
  • Update the separation plot
    • use CE run 152 for high mass fiducial, which doesn't change the softening radius


  • how much energy do we pump into the simulation (jet)?
  • Does the jet material fall back? (tracer plot will also help)

Extending the CEPN simulations

Link to a summary document

Starting the Rad Hydro

my plan to start


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