Update 03/18

PN paper

  • Prepared list of references and graphs to show. Writing sections for simulation setup and results. Share on overleaf?
  • Forwarded last blog post to Orsola, waiting for her comments.
  • High momentum runs are getting slow on Bluehive: 4 frames / 5 days using 120 cores. Maybe end the simulation at different times?
  • Currently we have 220 frames (4400 days) for high momentum runs, and 300 frames (6000 days) for low momentum (need another five days for the non-cooling case to get there).
  • Movies and graphs from the production runs are now password protected on my PAS server, what I learnt from Yisheng's instruction, same setup as he did.


  • Made scripts to calculate jet mass loss and boundary outflow. It seems the jet is not turned on, but keep in mind that the recent test runs have only a few frames each, so actually can't make any conclusion from this calculation.
  • to-do: add tracer onto the jet.


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