Update 02/15

Notes about the Federrath+14 jet/outflow model:


Jet parameters in our model:

Jet Data
jet_radius 16 size of outflow region in finest level cells
jet_collimation .2618 pi/12 !collimation of outflow
jet_temp 30000. jet temp in Kelvin
jet_index 1. exponent of collimation
jet_masslossrate 2e0 solar masses / yr
lcorrect T Apply conservative correction
jet_vrad 430.75 km/s radial velocity of jet, use Keplerian velocity for m2 and 1 solar radius
jet_vphi .5 km/s approximate rotation speed of jet
spin_axis 0d0,0d0,1d0 outflow axis


  1. understand the feedback module. what are the initial profiles of density and velocity inside the spherical cones launching the jets?
  1. compute how much of the jet material is unbound, using the spline potential, velocity profile and density profile.
  1. plot the jet tracer density



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