Brainstorming for October shots - multiple wires?

The upcoming Astroshock campaign shot day on October 27 will feature driver tests; we also anticipate a few magnetized wire shots (possibly done with new drivers being tested on the same day).

Last year we tried to reproduce magnetospheric structures in an experiment at LLE by having a blast wave overrun a single wire of ~600 um thickness (conductor ~400 um thickness). Due to various real-world complications the magnetic influence on the flow was weak, at best.

With the upcoming shots, we would like to modify both the upstream (i.e. driver) and the downstream (wires) to make the magnetic effects much more obvious, one proposal involves using multiple wires.

Running with this, I was inspired by Eddie's work on Mach stems: Mach stems can be an obvious feature due to brightness, and they may be robust due to hysteresis:

Mach stem evolution can be controlled by adjusting the separation of the obstacles/clumps/wires.

The separation of the obstacles can be controlled by the state of the magnetic field.

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