Clumpy Simulation Figure Set

The big question now is what figures to make/show. Below are my suggestions.

1) We need an initial figure set for a single 2 clump run which illustrates the basic kinds of phenomena we are seeing. I suggest this should include

a) A column density "movie" figure showing the simulation at 3 (or 4) times. b) An [SII]+Ha intensity "movie" figure with same frame times as a) c) A single (blow up) frame of the [SII]+Ha with arrows/labels for features we want to explore in text

2) An initial figure set for a single 3 clump run which builds off 1)

a) A column density "movie" figure showing the simulation at 3 (or 4) times. b) An [SII]+Ha intensity "movie" figure with same frame times as a)

3) Seperation Comparison

a) no need for "movies" here just the best example(s) illustrating how seperation effects things. Only need [SII]+Ha.

4) Velocty Comparision

a) (same as above) Perhaps we make sure we are using different simulations for each of these comparisons so that in the end we are not repeating showing the same sim.

5) Orientation comparison

a) (same as above)

6) 10 clump run.

a) A single column density frame b) A movie of 3 (or 4) [SII]+Ha intensity images at a single orientation/inclination


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