Update 12/13


Anisotropic MHD simulation at a surface beta of 50 seems to have gone pretty well:



And top view:



The magnetic field goes a bit crazy at the end, but the flow still looks about what we'd expect, with outflow from the night side highly suppressed and material there concentrated near the equator by the field. Best, we don't get the strange fourfold outflow and fallback. Seems narrower than the suppression seen by Owen & Adams, but that may be because of a difference in temperature profiles (they use radiative transfer).

I'm currently running a simulation with a beta of 10, which may lead to more coherent field lines - I can next run a simulation with similar field strengths to Owen & Adams, if the anisotropic simulations appear to be good.




The planet has only existed for half an orbit, so there's not much to see for troubleshooting purposes yet. But so far it looks as expected, with lobes spiralling up-orbit and down-orbit. Side view shows strange wave patterns starting in stellar wind around frame 7 - perhaps I need to increase the size in z a bit more?

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