Rotation and Radiation Pressure

First Set of Parameters

See here for an enumeration of the possible parameter space with orbital distance, flux, and planet mass variable. What follows is the top left of the first table.

See here for other simulation parameters.

Top view

Side view

Radiation Pressure

Testing with slab of density 1 (in CU), all neutral, embedded in ambient of density 0.01, all ionized. Setting , the whole thing should be in a stationary state (the domain is thin enough that over the grid is close to 0). Some problems with initial test conditions (I don't think I've sufficiently isolated the effects of radiation pressure).

I've restarted test with no hydrodynamics and constant temperature rather than pressure ( depends on T), and the entire domain neutral. Seems like having hydrodynamics turned off removes gravity, though. From comparing diagnostic variables, seems like scaling is off on the radiation pressure term.


…and fixed.


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