Update 9/24

Radiation pressure

Communicating with TACC about missing tmi fabric. While loop appears to be working (should be blocking, but it's hard to tell when it immediately errors…), so should be working once the execution problem is straightened out.

BlueHive predicts 2.3 years, before being killed (due to long timestep), so it's not going to be effective to run even with a large reservation.

HD209458b short paper

Postprocessing of HD209458b run in progress. I'll finish some of the analysis in the next few days. Things to look at right now:

  • Tau/xi terms (ratios of dimensionless Coriolis, tidal, wind accelerations)
  • Regimes (should be energy-limited; probably type II from Matsakos?)
  • Velocities and densities along sub-/anti-stellar ray, with markers for sonic and Hill radius (Coriolis?)
  • Synthetic observations - high v?
  • Compare all of these with most similar (high mass, low flux) planet from parameter space paper


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