Update 9/23


Booked hotel for 3rd through 9th. No longer sure where I'm flying out of, but should hopefully know soon.

Radiation Pressure

Submitting Friday. Haven't gotten Ruth's comments yet.

Charge Exchange

See last week's blog post for test results.

Test comparison


Production run with John's "moderate" stellar wind is queued on Stampede2. Also queued non-rotating parameter space runs on BlueHive.

Magnetic fields

Added option for initial stellar B field that excludes planet (as if it were a perfect conductor). Getting divergence warning immediately after initialization. I believe the field should be divergence-free, but will this be a problem?


AMR profiling

New test still queued on Stampede.

Ray tracing

Tested patch output first. That's working well. Now just need to figure out best way to read mixed data types in Matlab, and should be able to plot rays without too much issue. Using 8-core, 3-level, 2-D 16x256 base resolution test mesh, which should leave enough room for each ray to be distinct even on the finest level.



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