Update 7/22

Charge Exchange

A few more frames. So far, charge exchange is occurring, presumably creating a hot neutral population which is then immediately ionized (on the next line transfer step [not subcycle], by both photoionization and possibly ionization by "reverse" charge exchange). This suggests that the amount of neutral stellar material should be alternating between zero and some small value every step, which means at some point a frame may be output with nonzero amounts of Hhot….

Charge exchange should be creating at most ~10-4 Hhot (in CN). The highest-rate locations are in the shadow of the planet. HIIcold reacts with Hhot, and we have large amounts (~10-2-100) of HIIcold. This reverse charge exchange is already taken into account in the rate calculation, but if it's oscillating we may not have seen the opposite side of the step yet.

All this to say I'm not yet sure where the Hhot is going, and I haven't figured out the appropriate diagnostics to look at to make sure everything is happening as it should be, even if it's not quite the expected result (everything being zero when Hhot is zero, and not having seen a frame with nonzero Hhot yet).

Here are some figures for the latest frame:

rho, 1-X, T


Proportion of species

Clockwise from top left: Ionized cold, ionized hot, neutral hot, neutral cold


Amount of species


"Charge exchange potential"

min(Hcold, HIIhot)/max(Hcold,HIIhot) - so proportion of material that can undergo an exchange, disregarding the reverse interaction.


Charge exchange rate (CU)

Multiply by dt to get delta Hhot


AMR line transfer ==

Still hasn't started on BlueHive.

Non-rotating charge exchange

Still waiting on AMR line transfer.


Good discussion Thursday. Haven't had much chance to start making figures or new changes yet.


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