Update 7/15

Charge Exchange

Working on stampede. Here's the first frame:



I believe the neutral planetary material top-left is from the higher density (higher recombination rate, possibly also from higher temperature) in the stellar-planetary wind shock. Note that no charge exchange has occurred yet (but there's little contact between neutral planetary and ionized stellar material so far).

Trying to make a VisIt expression for charge exchange potential, but the following gives a "cannot divide by zero" error:

if(gt(Hcold,1e-2), HIIhot/Hcold, 0)

Note that the division should never happen if there could be a zero in the denominator, so I'm not sure why VisIt is complaining here…

AMR line transfer

Fixed the missing condition on the displaced child mask update. Still waiting on newest test on BlueHive.

Non-rotating charge exchange timing tests

Have the steady states ready. Need to calculate the stellar winds - use original distance (vs. larger orbital distance e.g. O-type)?

Radiation Pressure Paper

Got referee response. Sent around preliminary thoughts, will try to start addressing them this week. To recap my email:

  • Collisional nature of the wind (not hard-body collisional but electrostatically collisional)
  • Clearer distinction between our focus on the cometary tail vs. the observed velocities
  • Discussing more thoroughly the absorption of momentum by ionized hydrogen


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