Update 6/10

Radiation Pressure Paper

Updated version is on the arXiv today. I've emailed it out to a few people.

Charge Exchange

Waiting for job to start on BlueHive to get diagnostics.

AMR line transfer

Pushed two commits with separated local and MPI rays, and keeping an integer pointer to the next free ray and ray to be processed (instead of looping through entire array each time). Not tested yet, but weren't complicated changes, so (fingers crossed) they should work immediately. Now just need to compare timings to see if it was worth it for plane-parallel.

Also pushed commit with output for following ray propagation across the grid in time order (synchronized time, ray initial position, and processor ID). This may require some testing, particularly to determine the best way to process it for visualization.


Set up GitHub repository of my Euler code. Working on personal website, as well.


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