Update 6/3

Radiation Pressure Paper

Submitted to MNRAS and the arXiv. Also looked at renormalized absorption:



Will update paper on Overleaf soon.

Charge exchange

Ionized and neutral planetary material appear to be interacting and becoming stellar material. Think the problem must be here:

if (q(iHhot) /= 0) then
  prop(i,j,k,lt_iHhot) = q(iHhot)/(q(iHcold) + q(iHhot))
  prop(i,j,k,lt_iHhot) = 0d0
end if

if (q(iHcold) /= 0) then
  prop(i,j,k,lt_iHcold) = q(iHcold)/(q(iHcold) + q(iHhot))
  prop(i,j,k,lt_iHcold) = 0d0
end if

if (q(iHIIhot) /= 0) then
  prop(i,j,k,lt_iHIIhot) = q(iHIIhot)/(q(iHIIcold) + q(iHIIhot))
  prop(i,j,k,lt_iHIIhot) = 0d0
end if

if (q(iHIIcold) /= 0) then
  prop(i,j,k,lt_iHIIcold) = q(iHIIcold)/(q(iHIIcold) + q(iHIIhot))
  prop(i,j,k,lt_iHIIcold) = 0d0
end if

data(:,:,:,lt_iHhot)=data(:,:,:,lt_iHhot)-rates(:,:,:,iIoniz)*dt*prop(:,:,:,lt_iHhot) + rates(:,:,:,iChargeExchange)*dt
data(:,:,:,lt_iHcold)=data(:,:,:,lt_iHcold)-rates(:,:,:,iIoniz)*dt*prop(:,:,:,lt_iHcold) - rates(:,:,:,iChargeExchange)*dt
data(:,:,:,lt_iHIIhot)=data(:,:,:,lt_iHIIhot)+rates(:,:,:,iIoniz)*dt*prop(:,:,:,lt_iHIIhot) - rates(:,:,:,iChargeExchange)*dt
data(:,:,:,lt_iHIIcold)=data(:,:,:,lt_iHIIcold)+rates(:,:,:,iIoniz)*dt*prop(:,:,:,lt_iHIIcold) + rates(:,:,:,iChargeExchange)*dt

rates(i,j,k,iChargeExchange) = chargeExchangeRate*(data(i,j,k,lt_iHIIhot)*data(i,j,k,lt_iHcold) - data(i,j,k,lt_iHhot)*data(i,j,k,lt_iHIIcold))

Charge exchange rate should be zero whenever there is no planetary or stellar material. Proportion of stellar material should be zero when there is no stellar material. So it should be impossible for q(iHIIhot/cold) to become nonzero when they're both zero at the start of the line transfer step. Clearly they are, however - will put some diagnostic variables in to see what exactly is nonzero when it shouldn't be.

Also need to check timing for charge exchange runs on non-rotating case of parameter space runs on BlueHive (will need to get the last frames).

AMR line transfer

Will try to run timing this week (after charge exchange diagnostics are complete), in addition to working on a new commit with optimizations.

Upcoming/Possible Projects

In approximate order of importance (though not necessarily priority).

  • Literature review
  • Spherical line transfer
  • Metastable helium line
  • Hot Neptune
  • Flares

Fall 2019 registration

Last semester to take courses for credit. Would like to take CSC 482 (designing efficient algorithms), I think - will talk with Laura as well.


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