Update 5/13

Radiation Pressure Paper

All changes received so far made. I'm ready to submit.

Also, we still need to upgrade the Overleaf account to enable sharing again.

Charge Exchange

Running successfully on Stampede. On 20 nodes (960 cores), predicted time to completion is currently 1.8 months (got 2 frames in 48 hours). I expect this will speed up significantly once the stellar wind is more completely introduced and we reach closer to steady state.

Cost to allocation would be 1.8 mo x 30 days/mo x 24 hr/day x 20 nodes = 26000 node-hours. Much higher than I'd like.

Current frame


We also need to decide on the high-med-low for the stellar wind. Here are the current parameters (taken from John's simulation, except the mass loss rate, which is the solar mass loss rate - which corresponds to a 4x higher wind density than their strongest wind):

Parameter Value

AMR line transfer

Final functional fixes made (except a couple relating to subcycling). Some optimizations remaining, but could start using it for runs. Still want to do timing comparisons between old and new routines, and would be good to get a baseline for comparison of various optimizations.



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