Update 5/9

  • Wrote multidimensional Euler solver, found here. Some highlights of the tests:

Comparing HLL to HLLC with stationary CD: http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~adebrech/code/godunovEuler_HLL_test6.gif http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~adebrech/code/godunovEuler_HLLC_test6.gif

2D explosion test: http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~adebrech/code/godunovEuler_2D_HLLC_explosion.gif

Strips in x and y only seem to appear after wave hits boundary - something to worry about?

3D explosion test: http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~adebrech/code/godunovEuler_3D_HLLC_explosion.gif

Can't see quite as much - can't get VisIt to make slices of pseudocolor plots. But still looks pretty good.

The remainder of the tests can be found here.

  • Anything else to do with code? Haven't implemented RCM, FVS, Roe, Osher, higher-order (WAF, finite volume, etc.) schemes, source terms.
  • WASP12:

https://media.giphy.com/media/14cpLJ4enIIXJK/giphy.gif (~5 days left)


1. Zhuo Chen -- 8 years ago

Very nice!