Update 3/25

AMR Line Transfer Tests

Running the same test seen here, which is IonizationFront module. Parameters are given in Mathematica notebook attached to that page, but for thoroughness:

Variable Value
nScale 5d7
TempScale 1d4
lScale 1.5d10
iLineTransfer 1, 2, or 3, as appropriate
IonizingFlux 2d12
LyAlphaFlux ~5.1d13
ambientDensity 1
ambientTemp 1
nDim 3

Dependent on test (initial test parameters listed)

lCollisionalIonization F
lRecombination T
lLymanCooling F
lRecombinationCooling F
lIonizationHeating F
GmX (256, 1, 1)
MaxLevel 0
GxBounds (0, 0, 0, 2d0, 1d-2, 1d-2)
start_time 0d0
final_time 5d1
final_frame 500
lSkipHydro T

Working my way up the test hierarchy.

* Single ray (1D), single processor. Ran for very long simulation time, to give solid point of comparison.


* Multiple rays (2D, GmX(2) = 32, GxBounds(5) = 2.5d-1), single processor (final_time = 1d1, final_frame = 100), refined from x = 0.25 to 0.75.


* Multiple rays (2D), 2 processors (neighbor patch).


* Single ray (1D), single processor, 2 levels in middle-ish (child patch, MaxLevel = 1).


Result of refinement for optical depth


* Multiple rays (2D), single processor, 2 levels (child patch).

* Multiple rays (2D), multiple processors, 2 levels (neighbor(? - may need to force somehow) and child patches).

* Multiple rays (2D), multiple processors, 2 levels (neighbor and child patches), with domain boundary refined.

* Single ray (1D), single processor, for radiation pressure.

* Single ray (1D), single processor, for radiation pressure.

* Compare runs from combination test.

Comments: y and z directions are treated identically, so it's unnecessary to test both "2D" and "3D" cases (note that nDim is always set to 3 in global.data, resolution just set to 1 and size very small in "1D" and "2D" cases). Believe the above set should test all cases in each if statement.

Some working changes have been pushed.


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