Update 2/18

Radiation Pressure Paper

Believe it's nearly done. Could use some help with the results comparison section and the punchiness of the conclusions, and there's one more measurement I need to make (will likely have to wait until after my qual).

Next Steps

  • Finish AMR line transfer
    • Believe I have a working algorithm, just need to finish implementing it
  • Charge exchange
    • Will run just stellar wind, no ionizing flux, to see effects of mixing only
    • May be able to run later this week
    • Think it would be useful to run HD209458b with just stellar wind as well as charge exchange, both for comparison with Cherenkov et al. and to separate the effects of each (under the assumption that John's results may not be representative of the results for the significantly different planet)
  • What next? Spherical line transfer?


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