Update 1/22

Simulation Status

WASP-12b, w/ stellar rotation
Running (Baowei)

Rotating Frame
Run # MP (MJ) Flux (phot/cm2/s) Status
1 0.07 2x1013 Complete
2 0.263435 2x1013 Complete
3 0.263435 2x1017 Unqueued
4 0.07 2x1017 Testing

Non-rotating Frame
Run # MP (MJ) Flux (phot/cm2/s) Status
1 0.07 2x1013 Complete
2 0.263435 2x1013 Complete
3 0.263435 2x1017 Unqueued
4 0.07 2x1017 Unqueued

Attempting to run Run4 until transients die down. After 20 hours, timestep is still about 1x10-7 - doesn't look like it's going to be successful. It's almost certainly related to the high ambient temperature of ~1013 K (not sure how much the transient flows are important in the final analysis - sound speed is very high).

Could try lowering density ratio based on recombination timescale (make sure it's large). Could also up resolution so planet gets closer to zero density, but this wouldn't be particularly effective in saving computational time (because of line transfer step - planet itself is only small fraction of grid, so high resolution hydro there is not a problem - which brings an idea - limit line transfer to something higher than max level?).


Movies in progress for corotating Run2.

Radiation pressure

Merged charge exchange and radiation pressure into local line_transfer branch. Need to test to make sure merge was successful, then can queue radiation pressure version of Run2.

WASP-12b Hill vs. bow shock radii

Using Matlab script for planetary parameters, we would need a stellar wind density (at base) of about the same as the planetary wind density:


Flux to ionize Jupiter

An O-type star would need to provide about 1.2x1038 ionizing photons per second to a planet at Jupiter's orbit for the equivalent flux. An O star actually provides about 1050 phot/s, resulting in a flux of 1.3x1021 phot/s/cm2 (or about 4 orders of magnitude more than our high-flux case above).


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