Update 1/11

Referee report, WASP-12 paper

Moderate revision - only one real concern, that being the effect of stellar rotation on the stellar wind-planet wind interaction. Eric's comment that "If the result depended on the distribution of mass around the planet, then the point of the referee would lead to very important differences" is accurate, I think, and I do believe that's what we were attempting to get across in that section - so we could either revise that section for clarity, or we could run a new simulation (already set up) where the stellar rotation rate isn't locked to the orbital rotation rate.

The other concern was Fig 2, the 3D rendering. I feel it adds something, but I'm not sure I can make a strong argument for its continued inclusion.

Simulation Status

Rotating Frame
Run # MP (MJ) Flux (phot/cm2/s) Status
1 0.07 2x1013 Complete
2 0.263435 2x1013 111 frames complete
3 0.263435 2x1017 5 frames complete
4 0.07 2x1017 Unqueued

Non-rotating Frame
Run # MP (MJ) Flux (phot/cm2/s) Status
1 0.07 2x1013 Complete
2 0.263435 2x1013 Complete
3 0.263435 2x1017 Unqueued
4 0.07 2x1017 Unqueued

I plan to prioritize finishing rot_Run2 over the weekend (Jonathan - change frame numbers before restart?).

Now that I've looked at a few frames of Run3, the problem is apparent. The ambient medium is too dense, so no flux is making it to the planet. I believe there's a quick fix for this (extend the planet profile a bit farther, so that we get closer to zero density at the pressure-matching condition), although it may require upping the resolution at the outer boundary as well.


I do have movies for rot_run1 and noRot_run1/run2:

Rot, Run 1 (side view)


Rot, Run 1 (top view)


noRot, Run 1 (side view)


noRot, Run 2 (side view)


Rad transfer module test

Re-running the ionization-only, radiation pressure-only, and combined tests, they look good. The secondary effects in the ionization-only test are pretty strong still, but in general it appears to act like we expect. In the combined test, the effects of ionization dominate radiation pressure at the current fluxes (2x1013 ionizing flux, 5x1013 Lyman-alpha flux), but you can still see the effects of radiation pressure (particularly after the clump has been blown away).


Rad press only Ion only


NESSF - not sure about my chances, but worth applying? Mostly not sure how strong of a proposal I can write.


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