Update on Magnetization of Asteroids by Solar Winds

Ran the Oran resistivity structure using our solar wind parameter. Both start with uniform B = 100 nT in y direction, constant density and field velocity ramping up.

Magnetic field pile up appears to nearly double for our solar wind conditions.

Our condition (300 particles/cc, 500 km/s, 1e6 K) has 5.7x Final B, 2 different planes are shown:



Oran condition (35 particles/cc, 700 km/s, 50,000 K) has 3.4x Final B:



Common parameters are listed here: http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~aanand/movies/problem.data

Currently need ~6 days of computation time to reach this state.

Moon Case

Ran Moon case using new boundary condition, and uniform field and particle density. Core does not diffuse out field till the last frame; need to start with 0 field inside the moon (work in progress, condition similar to Alex's case).


3D Viscosity

Extrapolated Code for 3D Viscosity. Yet to be tested, but should be able to add soon.

Parameters to Change

  1. Box height and width to be made double (y and z directions).
  1. Resolution studies.
  1. Artificially add relative magnetic permeability.
  1. Add Lineout plots through the center
  1. Run 6 initial cases, with both wind conditions (except for moon case), making 10 cases:
    1. Moon with core
    2. Moon without core
    3. Oran resistivity
    4. Conducting layer on top of case ©. Additional parameter needed.
    5. Uniform resistivity of value close to max resistivity of ©
    6. Case (e) with an outer conducting shell
    7. Case (f) with Front side conducting, back side resistive (like a comet).

Base parameter values

Critical Resistivity (Comp. Units): 6.12e6

Resistivity (fraction of critical):

  1. Moon with core: 1
  2. Moon without core:
  3. Oran resistivity:

a3cl: 1.63e-4 to 1.62e-2

a1ht: 2.45e-4 to 1.96e-3

  1. Conducting layer on top of case ©: Shell of 1.96e-4
  2. Uniform resistivity of value close to max resistivity of ©: 2e-3
  3. Case (e) with an outer conducting shell: Body - 2e-3 and Shell - 2e-4
  4. Case (f) with Front side conducting, back side resistive (like a comet).

Plots Needed

  1. Peak Magnification vs Effective Resistivity (with M*√γβ)


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