Posts for the month of February 2020

Coupled EBM Project Update 02/24

Explanation of Numerical and Analytic Models, with examples using earth-like inputs

Results of Linear Fits of pCO2 vs Temp for Both Experiments

4x5 Arrays for Experiment One: "Constant Composition"

Array of Plots
Array of Phase Plots

4x5 Arrays for Experiment Two: "Constant Temperature"

Question: for these, should I have the initial pco2 be the value that makes the initial temperature be approximately like earth's? Also, this initial pco2 should be constant across maxPops and variable across distances?

Update 2/24

Radiation Pressure Paper

Proofs received and returned last week. Should be complete now.

Charge Exchange

Current frame of low stellar wind:

Think we've reached a steady state. Running 15 more frames, and double-checking the charge exchange rate.

High wind postprocessing should be done mid-week.

Convection project update 02-24-2020: clump test (2)

Getting EOS Tables

Now existing tables

dx time/table
0.020 ~ 2 hr
0.010 ~ 8 hr
0.005 ~ 32 hr

Estimated run time = 32 hr * (dx_new/dx)2

  • It maybe impossible to get higher resolution tables since the run time is too long AND it takes up too much memory

Python error:

('slurmstepd: error: Job 11889544 exceeded memory limit (29770380 > 29360128), being killed
slurmstepd: error: Exceeded job memory limit
slurmstepd: error: *** JOB 11889544 ON bhc0009 CANCELLED AT 2020-02-22T19:16:42 ***

New Test Runs

run # EOS dx v_wind ~Cs
run 1 Table 0.010 1e7 0.7
run 2 Table 0.010 1e8 7
run 3 Table 0.005 1e7 0.7
run 4 Table 0.005 1e8 7
run 5 Ideal 1e7 0.7
run 6 Ideal 1e8 7
  • Subsonic

Upper: dx = 0.005; lower: dx = 0.010

  • Supersonic

Upper: dx = 0.005; lower: dx = 0.010

  • Ideal gas supersonic

Other Test Runs

Just a blub with

  • ambient pressure = 1e6
  • clump pressure = 1e8

Ideal gas:
Table EOS:

Convection project update 02-17-2020: clump test

Physical parameters

  • ambient density = 1e-8
  • ambient pressure = 1e6
  • clump density = 1e-7
  • clump pressure = 1e6
  • clump radius = 20
  • wind density = 1e-8
  • wind pressure = 1e6
  • wind velocity = 1e7 (stability test v = 0)
  • box side length > 200

Test 1: clump stability

Test 2: EOS resolution

running on 10 cores cell-update is a very very very rough approximate.. +- 1000

Run # EOS dlogx cell-update total run time
run 0 ideal ~ 14000 02:21:17
run 1 table 0.10 ~ 11000 03:27:45
run 2 table 0.05 ~ 11000 03:14:51
run 3 table 0.02 ~ 11000 02:56:45


  • increasing table resolution doesn't increase run time
  • need higher resolution tables for the simulation to be physical


run 3 run 0
run 2 run 1


  • high resolution tables take looooong time to generate for dlogx = 0.01, it's taking ~ 8 hr to generate one Z (depending on core number)
  • Need a new interpolate function (square/cubic)?
  • Need a higher resolution table? How high?
  • Since we need high resolution table, how to setup? build a library?

Planet-Civ Evolution Project Update 2/16

Updates: New Method for Linear Regressions

Updated Outline of Model

Update 2/10

Charge Exchange

Preliminary figures for the strong stellar wind case:

There's a bug. I'm checking the impact.

Weak stellar wind:

At frame 242, out of room on stampede again. Transferring more radiation pressure runs to afds3 as soon as possible.

CE Jet Update 20200210

Colliding Jets 2.10.2020

See details on this page for details about:

  1. Fiducial runs with no cooling
  1. Al cooling table from Eddie

EOS update

Good News

  1. Put EOS into Astrobear. The code is now compliable.
  2. Ran some tests. Astrobear successfully generated the first frame using new EOS, and agrees with Python result. (under some conditions …)

Bad News

  1. Once any dynamics starts, the EOS breaks down..

In physics.f90, Using pScale = 1d0 the first frame works fine, but using tempScale = 1d0 gives bad energy values.

Planet-Civ Evolution Project Update 2/9

Current State of the Equations and Example Outputs

Current Sate of the Equations and Example Outputs Using Earth-Like Inputs

4x5 Grid of Plots with Earth-Like dT

  • dT parameter is a measure of the temperature range that a civilization can survive in
  • Horizontal plots vary by orbital distance
    • 0.94AU, 0.97AU, 1.00AU, 1.03AU, 1.06AU
  • Vertical plots vary by carrying capacity (maximum population)
    • 10 Billion, 40 Billion, 70 Billion, 100 Billion

Plots Showing the Temporal Evolution of Global Temperature and Population (colored by pCO2)
Phase Plots of Global Population vs Global Temperature (colored by pCO2)

4x5 Grid of Plots with Earth-Like dT/2 (High Fragility)

(0.5dT) Plots Showing the Temporal Evolution of Global Temperature and Population (colored by pCO2)
(0.5dT) Phase Plots of Global Population vs Global Temperature (colored by pCO2)

2x4 Grid of Plots with Earth-Like dT*100 (Low Fragility)

Example Output for very large dT using earth's orbital distance and four different carrying capacities (first row is the normal plots, second row is the phase diagrams)


Update 2/3

Radiation Pressure Paper

Accepted, finally. I'll fill out the paperwork and update the ArXiv version this afternoon.

Charge Exchange

High wind

Here's the final movie. Waiting for postprocessing job to start on BlueHive.

Low wind


Here's a movie up to the current frame:

We're getting some significant slowdown due to pressure protections along the boundaries of the wind. It's actually sped up over the last couple of frames — down to 2.5 months instead of 4 months.

What I believe is happening is that a vacuum is trying to form along some of the wind-ambient boundaries. Which leads to a couple of thoughts: first, have we ever tried to build vacuum handling into AstroBEAR? I know it's possible with the exact solver, so it may be something where we could have a failsafe trigger to use the exact solver at pressure protections instead of averaging or otherwise modifying the pressure. Second, would lowering the ambient density initially help with this? I.e., if it's already closer to vacuum, would it improve runtime?


Still waiting on a bunch of MHD and AMR line transfer test runs on BlueHive.

Planet-Civ Evolution Project Update 2/2