1 | !#########################################################################
2 | !
3 | ! Copyright (C) 2003-2012 Department of Physics and Astronomy,
4 | ! University of Rochester,
5 | ! Rochester, NY
6 | !
7 | ! problem.f90 of module SingleClump is part of AstroBEAR.
8 | !
9 | ! AstroBEAR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 | ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 | ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 | ! (at your option) any later version.
13 | !
14 | ! AstroBEAR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 | ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 | ! GNU General Public License for more details.
18 | !
19 | ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 | ! along with AstroBEAR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 | !
22 | !#########################################################################
23 | !> @dir MultiClumps
24 | !! @brief Contains files necessary for the Shape Tester problem
25 |
26 | !> @file problem.f90
27 | !! @brief Main file for module Problem
28 |
29 | !> @defgroup MultiClumps Shape Tester Module
30 | !! @brief Module for setting up orbiting particles
31 | !! @ingroup Modules
32 |
33 | !> MultiClump Module
34 | !! @ingroup MultiClumps
35 | MODULE Problem
36 | USE DataDeclarations
37 | USE ParticleDeclarations
38 | USE Clumps
39 | USE Winds
40 | USE Ambients
41 | ! USE VectorPerturbation
42 | ! USE Histograms
43 | ! USE Totals
44 | ! USE Fields
46 | SAVE
47 |
48 | PUBLIC ProblemModuleInit, ProblemGridInit, &
49 | ProblemBeforeStep, ProblemAfterStep, ProblemSetErrFlag, ProblemBeforeGlobalStep
50 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: wind_thickness, wind_vel, wind_refinement_time
51 | TYPE(WindDef), POINTER :: Wind
53 |
54 | !> Initializes module variables
55 | SUBROUTINE ProblemModuleInit()
56 | INTEGER :: ClumpTracer, AltClumpTracer,i,j,dir,edge
57 | Logical :: ClumpToTrace
58 | TYPE(ClumpDef), POINTER :: Clump
59 | !TYPE(HistogramDef), POINTER :: Histogram
61 | !LOGICAL :: lCooling!, lMagClump, lMHDPerturbation
62 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: density, temperature, velocity, pressure, smooth_distance, position(3), radius, B(3)
63 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: temp_cgs, mach, cs_cgs
64 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: theta=0
65 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: phi=0
66 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: B_tor=0
67 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: B_pol=0
68 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: B_phi=0
69 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: B_theta=0
70 | TYPE(AmbientDef), POINTER :: Ambient
71 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: rhoOut, tempOut, vxOut, vyOut, vzOut, BxOut, ByOut, BzOut, Pout
72 | !INTEGER :: kmin, kmax
73 | !REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: beta, field_amp, kscale
74 | !INTEGER :: nwaves=0, nMHDwaves=0
75 | NAMELIST /AmbientData/ rhoOut, tempOut, vxOut, vyOut, vzOut, BxOut, ByOut, BzOut
76 | NAMELIST /ProblemData/ ClumpToTrace!, lMagClump, lMHDPerturbation
77 | NAMELIST /WindData/ density, temperature, velocity, B, wind_thickness, wind_refinement_time, dir, edge
78 | NAMELIST /ClumpData/ density, temperature, radius, smooth_distance, theta, phi, B_tor, B_pol, B_theta, B_phi, position
79 | !NAMELIST /PerturbData/ nwaves, nMHDwaves
80 | !NAMELIST /MHDPerturbationData/ kmin, kmax, beta, field_amp, kscale
81 |
84 | dir=1
85 | edge=1
86 | CALL AddTracer(ClumpTracer, 'ClumpTracer')
87 | CALL AddTracer(AltClumpTracer, 'AltClumpTracer')
88 | CALL CreateAmbient(Ambient)
90 | cs_cgs = sqrt((gamma*boltzmann*tempout)/(xmu*amu))
91 | ! print *, 'cs_cgs=', cs_cgs
92 | Ambient%density=rhoOut/nscale
93 | pOut=(rhoOut*Boltzmann*tempOut)
94 | Ambient%pressure=pOut/pScale
95 | Ambient%B(:)=(/BxOut, ByOut, BzOut/)
96 | !Ambient%v(:)=(/vxOut, vyOut, vzOut/)
97 | Ambient%velocity(:)=(/vxOut, vyOut, vzOut/)
98 |
100 | CALL CreateClump(Clump)
101 | Clump%density=density/nscale
102 | Clump%temperature=temperature
103 | Clump%position=position
104 | IF (ClumpToTrace) THEN
105 | Clump%iTracer=AltClumpTracer
106 | ELSE
107 | Clump%iTracer=ClumpTracer
108 | END IF
109 | Clump%thickness=smooth_distance
110 | Clump%radius=radius
111 | !Clump%Magnetized=lMagClump
112 | Clump%B_toroidal=B_tor
113 | Clump%B_poloidal=B_pol
114 | Clump%theta=theta*pi/180d0
115 | Clump%phi=phi*pi/180d0
116 | Clump%B_theta=B_theta*pi/180d0
117 | Clump%B_phi=B_phi*pi/180d0
118 | CALL UpdateClump(Clump)
119 |
120 | !IF (lMHDPerturbation) THEN
121 | ! READ(PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE, NML=MHDPerturbationData)
122 | ! CALL CreateVectorPerturbationObj(Clump%MagneticPerturbation)
123 | ! CALL CreateSolenoidalSpectra(Clump%MagneticPerturbation, kmin, kmax, beta, field_amp, kscale)
124 | !END IF
125 |
126 |
128 | CALL CreateWind(Wind)
129 | !!!!! Calculate wind params based on R-H jump conditions
130 | mach = velocity/cs_cgs
131 | density=(4.0*rhoOut)/(1.0+(3.0/Mach**2))
132 | pressure=((5.0*(Mach**2)-1.0)*pOut)/4
133 | temperature=pressure/(density*boltzmann)
134 | velocity=((3.0*((Mach**2)-1.0))/(4.0*Mach))*cs_cgs
135 | IF(mpi_id==0)THEN
136 | print *, 'Supersonic inflow boundary conditions:'
137 | print *, 'mach = ', mach
138 | print *, 'density(cm^-3) =', density
139 | print *, 'pressure (Ba) =', pressure
140 | print *, 'temperature (K) =', temperature
141 | print *, 'velocity (cm/s) =', velocity
142 | END IF
143 | Wind%density=density/nscale
144 | Wind%temperature=temperature
145 | Wind%velocity=velocity/VelScale
146 | Wind%B=B
147 | wind_vel=velocity/VelScale
148 | CALL AddTracer(Wind%iTracer, 'Wind_Tracer')
149 | Wind%dir=dir
150 | Wind%edge=edge
151 |
152 | ! realspeed=(wind%velocity*VelScale)
153 | ! IF(mpi_id==0)THEN
154 | ! PRINT*, "realdensity = ", realden*1d3, "mg/cc"
155 | ! PRINT*, "realtemp = ", Boltzmann*realtemp/1.602d-12, "ev"
156 | ! PRINT*, "realradius = ", realradius, "mm"
157 | ! PRINT*, "realbeta = ", realbeta
158 | ! PRINT*, "realspeed = ", realspeed/1d5, "km/s"
159 | ! PRINT*, "timescale = ", timescale
160 | !PRINT*, "Reynolds# = ", wind%velocity*clump%radius/resistivity
161 | ! END IF
162 | !STOP
163 |
164 | !CALL CreateTotal(KE)
165 | !KE%Field%id=PKE_Field
166 | !KE%Field%component=GASCOMP
167 | !KE%Field%name='PKE'
168 |
169 | !CALL CreateTotal(TE)
170 | !TE%Field%id=PiE_Field
171 | !TE%Field%component=GASCOMP
172 | !TE%Field%name='PTE'
173 |
174 | !CALL CreateTotal(BE)
175 | !BE%Field%id=BE_Field
176 | !BE%Field%component=GASCOMP
177 | !BE%Field%name='BE'
178 |
179 | ! CALL CreateHistogram(Histogram)
180 | ! Histogram%Field%id=MixingRatio12_Field
181 | ! Histogram%Field%component=GASCOMP
182 | ! Histogram%minvalue=0d0
183 | ! Histogram%maxvalue=1d0
184 | ! Histogram%nbins=100
185 | ! Histogram%scale=LINEARSCALE
186 | ! Histogram%WeightField=BINBYMASS
187 |
188 | !CALL CreateTotal(ENSTROPHY)
189 | !ENSTROPHY%Field%iD=Enstrophy_Field
190 | !ENSTROPHY%Field%Component=GASCOMP
191 | !ENSTROPHY%Field%name='ENSTROPHY'
192 | !Processing_mbc=max(Processing_mbc,1)
194 |
195 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemModuleInit
196 |
197 | !> Applies initial conditions
198 | !! @param Info Info object
199 | SUBROUTINE ProblemGridInit(Info)
200 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
201 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemGridInit
202 |
203 | !> Applies Boundary conditions
204 | !! @param Info Info object
205 | SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep(Info)
206 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
207 | INTEGER :: dir,edge, ierr
208 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: cs_cgs, pOut, mach, pressure
209 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: density, temperature, velocity, B(3), wind_thickness, wind_refinement_time
210 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: rhoOut, tempOut, vxOut, vyOut, vzOut, BxOut, ByOut, BzOut
211 | NAMELIST /AmbientData/ rhoOut, tempOut, vxOut, vyOut, vzOut, BxOut, ByOut, BzOut
212 | NAMELIST /WindData/ density, temperature, velocity, B, wind_thickness, wind_refinement_time, dir, edge
213 | !NAMELIST /WindData/ density, temperature, velocity, dir, edge
214 |
218 | ! PRINT *, 'iErr=', iErr
219 | ! STOP
220 |
221 |
222 | !!!!! Calculate wind params based on R-H jump conditions
223 | cs_cgs = sqrt((gamma*boltzmann*tempout)/(xmu*amu))
224 | mach = velocity/cs_cgs
225 | pOut=(rhoOut*Boltzmann*tempOut)
226 | density=(4.0*rhoOut)/(1.0+(3.0/Mach**2))
227 | pressure=((5.0*Mach**2-1.0)*pOut)/4
228 | temperature=pressure/(density*boltzmann)
229 | velocity=((3.0*((Mach**2)-1.0))/(4.0*Mach))*cs_cgs
230 | IF(mpi_id==0)THEN
231 | print *, 'Supersonic inflow boundary conditions:'
232 | print *, 'mach = ', mach
233 | print *, 'density(cm^-3) =', density
234 | print *, 'pressure (Ba) =', pressure
235 | print *, 'temperature (K) =', temperature
236 | print *, 'velocity (cm/s) =', velocity
237 | END IF
238 |
239 |
240 | CALL CreateWind(Wind)
241 | Wind%density=density/nscale
242 | Wind%temperature=temperature
243 | Wind%velocity=velocity/VelScale
244 | ! Wind%B=B
245 | wind_vel=velocity/VelScale
246 | CALL AddTracer(Wind%iTracer, 'Wind_Tracer')
247 | Wind%dir=dir
248 | Wind%edge=edge
250 |
251 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep
252 |
253 | !> Could be used to update grids pre-output
254 | !! @param Info Info Object
255 | SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep(Info)
256 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
257 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep
258 |
259 | !> Could be used to set force refinement
260 | !! @param Info Info object
261 | SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag(Info)
262 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
263 | INTEGER :: ip(3,2)
264 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: wind_pos, dx
265 |
266 | IF (levels(Info%level)%tnow <= wind_refinement_time) THEN
267 | dx=levels(Info%level)%dx
268 | wind_pos=wind_vel/2d0*levels(Info%level)%tnow
269 | ip(:,1)=1
270 | ip(:,2)=Info%mX
271 | ip(wind%dir,1)=ceiling((wind_pos-wind_thickness-Info%xBounds(wind%dir,1))/dx)
272 | ip(wind%dir,2)=ceiling((wind_pos+wind_thickness-Info%xBounds(wind%dir,1))/dx)
273 | ip(wind%dir,1)=max(ip(wind%dir,1), 1)
274 | ip(wind%dir,2)=min(ip(wind%dir,2),Info%mX(wind%dir))
275 | IF (ip(wind%dir,2) >= ip(wind%dir,1)) Info%ErrFlag(ip(1,1):ip(1,2), ip(2,1):ip(2,2), ip(3,1):ip(3,2))=1
276 | END IF
277 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag
278 |
279 | SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeGlobalStep(n)
280 | INTEGER :: n
281 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeGlobalStep
282 |
283 |
284 | END MODULE Problem
285 |