u/erica/2DShockedClumpsSNR: global.data

File global.data, 7.9 KB (added by Erica Kaminski, 7 years ago)
2! AstroBEAR global.data File
3! Global parameters, Contains GlobalData and LevelData and PoissonData namelists.
4! Configured for: Template
5! Default values for variables in [brackets]
11! Parameters Related to Space
13nDim = 2 ! number of dimensions for this problem (1-3)
14GmX = 640,640,1 ! Base grid resolution [x,y,z]
15MaxLevel = 0 ! Maximum level for this simulation (0 is fixed grid)
16LastStaticLevel = -1 ! Use static AMR for levels through LastStaticLevel [-1]
17GxBounds = 0.0,0.0,0.0,10.0,10.0,0.0 ! Problem boundaries in computational units,format:
18 ! (xlower, ylower, zlower, xupper, yupper, zupper)
19 ! For 2D problems, set zlower and zupper to 0.d0.
21Gmthbc = 1,1,1,1,1,1 ! Sets the physical boundary conditions at the edge of the problem domain
22 ! format: (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
23 ! 1-Extrapolated,
24 ! 2-Periodic,
25 ! 3-ReflectingWall (Field lines do not penetrate)
26 ! 4-Reflect_BParallel (Field lines held normal
27 ! 5-Reflect_Cylindrical (Like reflect wall, but also changes sign of phi
28 ! components of velocity and magnetic fields)
29 ! [1,1,1,1,1,1]
32! Parameters Related to Time and output
34start_time = 0.0d0 ! The initial time in computational units [0d0]. Do NOT change this on restarts.
35final_time = 0.00123958795 ! The final time in computational units.
36final_frame = 155 ! The final frame [10]
37lRestart = F ! restart flag [F]
38lPostProcess = F ! Post Process (preempts lrestart) [F]
39restart_frame = -1 !The frame from which restarts should begin (-1 sets restart from last chombo dump). Read only if lRestart or lPostProcess = .true.
40initial_maxspeed = 10000 ! 1000.d0 ! A lower bound on the initial maximum wave speed in computational units.
41cfl_vars = 1, .3, .5 ! Maximum allowed CFL before restarting step, desired CFL to run at, relaxation parameter. Smaller numbers give more gradual relaxation [1, .3, .5]
42iDataFileType = 0 ! Type of output: 0 is chombo, 1 is BOV, & 2 is curve files (1D fixed grid only) [0]
43lParallelHDF5 = F ! Use parallel IO for chombo dumps (requires phdf5 library and compile flags)
44lUniformTimeStepping = F ! Advance all levels by same time step. (Turns off child levels taking multiple time steps for each parent step).
47! Parameters Related to Performance/Algorithms
49lSkipProfile = T ! Flag for skipping profiling [T] - should set this to false for good performance on production runs.
50lUseOriginalNewSubGrids = F ! T for Old Subgrid Algo, F for New Subgrid Algo. [F]
51MinimumGridPoints = 2 ! The minimum number of cells a grid can have along one dimension [2] (ignored unless lUseOriginalNewSubGrids=T).
52iThreaded = -1 ! -1 is non-threaded, 0 is pseudo-threaded, 1 is threaded [0]. If you are using threaded you must compile with pThreadFlag=2
53LevelBalance = 0d0,0d0 ! Try to balance load on every level? [0d0,0d0]
57! Parameters Related to Testing/Debugging
60lTest = F ! Use testing objects to compare results with reference data [F]
61lTimingLog = F ! Output log showing timing information [F]
62lStressTest = F ! Used to manually configure AMR patches and produce random fluxes and divergence [F]
63lSkipHydro = F ! Used if you want to turn of hydrodynamics and just see results of multi-physics (diffusion, radtransfer, etc...) [F]
67!Level-specific variables (All LevelData lists should be initialized from 0 to MaxLevel).
71qTolerance = 1.d-1,1.d-1,1.d-1,1.d-1,1.d-1,1.d-1,1.d-1,1.d-1 ! field variable tolerances on each level
72DesiredFillRatios = .70,.70,.70,.70,.70,.70,.70,.70 ! Determines how much of the new subgrids must be filled with refined cells (also ignored unless lUseOriginalNewSubGrids=T)
73buffers = 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ! Number of zones to buffer ghost cells
77!Variables used for self gravity module
81solver = 1 ! Which solver to use for linear system solve? StructPCG=1, StructGMRes=2 [1]
82tolerance = 1e-6 ! Solver convergence tolerance [1e-6]
83printlevel = 0 ! Sets print level for hypre solver. Increasing this will make solvers more verbose. [0]
84MaxIters = 1000 ! Maximum number of iterations to attempt convergence. [1000]
85hverbosity = 0 ! Anything > 0 will cause linear systems to be outputted as matrix, rhs, lhs files. [0]
86mthbc = 2 2 2 2 2 2 ! What type of boundary conditions to use for gravitational potential
87 ! format: (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
88 ! 0-Zero Slope,
89 ! 1-Reflecting,
90 ! 2-Periodic,
91 ! 3-Multipole Expansion,
92 ! 4-User Specified (User is reponsible for setting Phi at physical boundaries)
96!Variables used for radiative transfer module
100solver = 1 ! Which solver to use for linear system solve? StructPCG=1, StructGMRes=2, StructSMG=3 [1]
101tolerance = 1e-6 ! Solver convergence tolerance [1e-6]
102printlevel = 0 ! Sets print level for hypre solver. Increasing this will make solvers more verbose. [0]
103MaxIters = 1000 ! Maximum number of iterations to attempt convergence. [1000]
104hverbosity = 0 ! Anything > 0 will cause linear systems to be outputted as matrix, rhs, lhs files. [0]
105mthbc = 2 2 2 2 2 2 ! What type of boundary conditions to use for gravitational potential
106 ! format: (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
107 ! 0-Free Streaming,
108 ! 1-Extrapolated,
109 ! 2-Periodic
110 ! 3-Reflecting
111 ! 4-User defined boundary
112 ! 5-User defined radiative flux
113RadFlux = 0d0 ! User defined radiative flux used for mthbc 5
114Crankiness = 0 ! parameter that adjusts from backward euler (0) to crank-nicholson(1) time stepping. (2 is forward euler but nothing over 1 should be used - and 0 should be more stable but less accurate)
115cfl_rad = .01 ! Fractional change in temperature allowed before recalculating source function
116MaxSubCycles = 1000 ! Maximum number of sub-cycles to allow. May result in increase in cfl_rad.