1 | &problemdata
2 | namb = 1d2 ! ambient density [cm^-3]
3 | tamb = 1d4 ! ambient temperature [K]
4 | njet = 5d2 ! jet density [cm^-3]
5 | vjet = 200d5 ! initial jet velocity [cm/s]
6 | vrange = 50d5 ! (+/-) range of jet velocities [cm/s]
7 | Rjet = 1d0 ! jet radius [cu]
8 | Rm = 0.6d0 ! radius at which maximum B field is reached
9 | Betam = 1d0 ! plasma beta sets the maximum B field
10 | Bgeom = 1 ! jet magnetic field geometry (1 = toroidal, 2 = helical)
11 | vtype = 1 ! type of veloicty pulse (0 = constant, 1 = sinusoidal, 2 = random)
12 | freq = 10d0 ! frequency of velocity pulses in units of 1/final_time
13 | ! so if sinusoidal, this is how many sine waves the velocity will go through
14 | ! if random, this is how many times the the velocity will change to a new value
15 | theta = 0d0 ! angle of precession of the injection velocity [deg]
16 | precfreq = 30d0 ! frequency of the precession in units of 1/final_time
17 | seed = 1 ! number used to seed the random number generator (allows runs to be repeatable
18 | ! and ensures that each processor uses the same random velocity)
19 | simtype = 0 ! 0 = single jet, 1 = colliding jets (fields rotating in same direction)
20 | ! 2 = colliding jets (fields rotating in opposite direction)
21 | N = 1 ! number of sub-sampling iterations
22 | CoolingRes = 10 ! number of cells per cooling length (using a velocity of 50 km/s)
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